About the Christian Monthly

The Christian Monthly was first published in August 1944. The initial eight-page periodical explains the intent of the magazine: "It is with a prayer to God, the giver of all good and perfect gifts, and from whom all true wisdom and understanding is received, that we have prepared and now present to you this first issue of the Christian Monthly in the English Language. May this messenger of God's Word find its way and be welcomed into many homes. May it be a means by which the Good Shepherd of our souls will seek that which is lost, bring back that which is driven away, bind up that which is broken, and strengthen that which is sick." (W.A. Karvonen)
A different Bible verse was printed on the front cover of each issue until January 1970. Since then, the cover has been graced with Psalm 119:105: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. The December 1993 issue had the first two-color cover and was also the first to state: "Dedicated to the Proclamation of the Word of God." A full-color cover design was first printed in the January 2008 issue.
There have been ten different editors since the inception of the Christian Monthly. Editors and the years that they served are as follows:
- W. A. Karvonen Aug 1944-May 1948
- E. A. Millen Jun 1948-Oct 1950
- Carl Kulla Nov 1950-Apr 1952
- Kenneth Hendrickson May 1952-Jun 1958
- Helmar Peterson Jul 1958-Jul 1962
- Helmi Kivisto Aug 1962-Mar 1975
- Alvar Helmes Apr 1975-Jun 1995
- Alvin Holmgren Jul 1995-Mar 1999
- Linda Mattson Apr 1999-Dec 2007
- Lois Matson Jan 2008-Present