October 2017 Christian Monthly

Edition Type: Monthly
Published: 10/2017
"The Righteous Shall Live by Faith" Bryan Wolfmueller
"The Sower" Chuck Bylkas
"The School of the Holy Spirit" Uuras Saarnivaara
"Precious Daughter Rescued from the Devil" Gwen Wilson
"Luther Speaks" Martin Luther
"Who Do We Say Jesus Is?" Doug Saukkola
"The Chastisement of the Lord" V.A. Juntunen
"The Shepherd-Character of the Lord" H.A. Ironside
Statement of Ownership and Circulation
"Our Refuge and Strength" Lois Matson
"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" Jay Weidner
"Soon Thou Wilt Come!" J.W.H. Nichols