April 2018 Christian Monthly

Edition Type: Monthly
Published: 4/2018
"According to John" The Gospel of John, Chapter 20
"At the Rising of the Sun" Alvin Holmgren
"Victory in Jesus" Eugene Bartlett
"Our Great High Priest" Martin Luther
"Let no one grieve at his poverty..." John Chrysostom
"He Fought and Conquered" Irenaeus
"Jesus Dies to Save Us" Gwen Wilson
"By His Resurrection" Martin Luther
"My Help Comes From the Lord" Dennis Hannu
"The Mystery of the Atonement" Paul Rantala
"Great Art Thou, O Lord" Augustine
"The Word of the Lord" Lois Matson
"For You, For Me" Wiljo Kandoll
"Lord, Enthroned in Heav'nly Splendor" George Hugh Bourne