March 2023 Christian Monthly
Edition Type: Monthly
Published: 3/2023
"Our Focus in Lent" Jay Weidner
"The Word Made Flesh" Irenaeus
"Let This Mind Be in You" Dennis Hannu
"Attend My Prayer" Paul Coponen
"How Huge Is Unbelief" Jacob Kujala
"Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting" Jean Sophia Pigott
"Lent: The Temptation of Jesus" Gwen Wilson
"The Genuine Article" Jason Salmi
"Confession" Principles of the Doctrine of Christ
"Jesus, Our Redeemer" Ron Holmgren
"Daily Attention to the Word" Hippolytus
"Our Sabbath Rest" Lois Matson
"Tune Your Ears for Confession" Scott Keith
"Man's Nature and Original Sin" Formula of Concord