June 2024 Christian Monthly

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Edition Type: Monthly
Published: 6/2024



"Our God Is Lord of All" Jay Weidner

"The Lord Orders the Crooked Steps of Man" Augustine

"The Ascension of Jesus" Nicholas Kandoll

"Seek the Lord in Prayer" Martin Luther

"John the Baptist" Martin Luther

"The Coming of God" Dietrich Bonhoeffer

"Jesus' Ascension" Gwen Wilson

"The Ascension of Christ" Paul Kretzmann

"Make a Joyful Noise" Augustine

"The Precious Blood of Christ" Mark Matson/Charles Spurgeon

"Heart Changes" Joel Baker

"Come, Lord Jesus, But Just a Little More Time" Lois Matson

"The Spirit Points Us to Christ" Chuck Bylkas

"True Joy" Bernard of Clairvaux