February 2014 Christian Monthly

Edition Type: Monthly
Published: 2/2014
"God So Loved the World" John Ruotsala
"The Faithfulness of God" Orval Wirkkala
"Foretaste of Heaven" Alma D. Flinkman
"Christ, Our Rock" Wayne Juntunen
"Christian Liberty" John Bunyan
"Jesus Presented to the Lord" Gwen Wilson
"God's Love" Lily Niemitalo
"If the Son Shall Make You Free" Ron Holmgren
"God Is Kindly Disposed Toward Us" Martin Luther
"Are You Ready?" Charles Korhonen
"The Pilgrim's Wants" Author Unknown
"Greetings to the Zion of God" Carl Kulla
"Subject to None, Subject to All" Martin Luther
"The Power of Prayer" Timothy Mundiah
"Joy: the Fruit of Faith" Martin Luther
"The Goodness of the Creator" St Augustine